
hough never proof to steady pain,		5069
yet enjoying steady gain,
Tristan, steadily in pain,
steadily did pleasure gain,

as now I will explain to you.
A double fate was set for him
concerning two conditions,
sorrow and success.
No matter what he undertook,
he succeeded with it quickly,
but sorrow always went with winning,
different though the two may seem.
So these two antagonists,
easy gain and lasting sorrow,
mingled in a single man.
--"But tell us now, so help you God--
Tristan, having taken the sword,
has surely gained rich success,
the worthiness of knighthood.
Now let us hear, what sort of sorrow
is joined to this attainment?"
God knows, in one respect,
enough to trouble any heart,
and one that lay close to his—
that his father had been slain,
as he had heard Rual tell,
this lay heavy on his mind.
Thus was evil mixed with good,
injury with gain, pain with delight,
his heart's everlasting plight.

 count on you, I think I can,
 to agree that any younger man			5100
 bears ire less well than an elder can,	
no easy thing for any man.

ver all his excellence
 hung Tristan's adversity
 and the foreboding, well concealed,
so that not another person knew,
caused by his father's death,
while Morgan his foe still lived—
these burdens sorely troubled him.
Now Tristan, thus concerned,
with his loyal retainer's help,
whose faithfulness lives in fame,
the blessed Foitenant,
started making preparations
with a richly outfitted ship,
making all desired provisions
for the voyage they intended.
Together they came before Marke. 

"My dear Master," Tristan said,
"may it be with your consent
that we depart for Parmenie,
to find, according to your counsel,
how our affairs there are disposed,
as to the people and our land—
for you have said that it is mine."
"So be it, nephew," replied the king.
"I can but sorely do without you,
yet I will grant you this request.
Sail home to Parmenie,
you and your company.
If you need mounted men,
take as many as you wish.
Take horses, silver, and take gold,
and whatever else you need,
or such as you would wish to have.
And treat with generosity
whomever you choose as fellow
in a true spirit of fellowship,
so that he will serve you gladly
and stand by you in loyalty.
Dearest nephew, act and live
according as your father teaches,
the faithful Rual, standing here,
who has always proved toward you
his honor and his faithfulness.
And if God grant that in your land
you are able to prevail
and restore all your affairs to order
effectively and honorably,
then you shall return. 				5150
Come back here to me.
One thing I vow to do for you—
witness my belief in you—
my land and all my possessions
I'll share with you equally.
And if it be your fortune 
that you should survive me,
all of it shall be yours.
Because I shall for your sake 
never take a legal wife,
as long as I yet shall live.
Now, nephew, you have heard
my request and my intent.
If I'm as dear to you, as you to me,
if your heart's with me, as mine with you,
God knows we'll live out our days
contentedly with each other.
With this I grant you leave to depart.
May Our Lady's Son protect you!
And be given into your own hands
your undertakings and your honor!
And without further delay,
Tristan and his friend Rual
took ship and sailed from Curnewal,
with all their retinue,
back home to Parmenie.
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